Iceland with architect and 3D fashion designer muse Julia Körner


1. Design: Julia Körner | JK @koernerjulia. Photography: Pia Clodi @piaclodi.
Model: Sigrún Hrefna Sveinsdóttir @sigrunhrefna. Model Agency: Eskimo Agency @eskimo_model. Make Up & Hair: Sunna Björk @sunnabjorkmakeup. Photography Scanning & Processing: Carmencita Lab @carmencitalab. Leather Artisan: Oficio Studio @oficiostudio & Kyle Awtry @Kyle Awtry.


A: Much of your portfolio focuses on ready-to-wear fashion pieces. How does 3D printed clothing differ to conventional pieces in this respect? Can you discuss some advantages and challenges of using 3D printing in this type of medium?
With the Iceland collection I designed a series of 3D printed garments and accessories with a focus on wearability. I developed some of my previous research into natural formations and 3D printed material performance further and applied it to garments such as Jackets, Vests, Handbags, Necklaces and Skirts. The 3D designs are inspired by patterns and morphologies found in nature such as Kelp and Sea Sponges, and I designed the three-dimensional pieces in the computer. The 3D printing technology allows to realise these designs with all their complexity, intricacy and beauty. With a focus on elevating the wearability of the garments I researched various different additive manufacturing technologies as well the combination with delicate textiles such as leather, silk and cotton.


Read the full Interview with Julia in Aesthetica Magazine: